Lowell Diaper Bank
Why we Have a DIAPER Bank - And How You Can Help!
Each year the Lowell Diaper Bank distributes over 100,000 diapers to Lowell families in need.
National and state-wide problem
Diaper drives keep our Bank Open
A Health Equity report published in March of 2022 showed that 36% of Massachusetts families with young children could not afford diapers during the pandemic.
Additionally, high rates of diaper need were reported among users of food assistance programs:
60% of food pantry users
60% of WIC users
55% of SNAP users
One-third of American families need diapers and can’t afford them, according to the National Diaper Bank.
Diapers can cost $100 or more a month per child and are not food-stamp eligible. The poorest families use 14 percent of their income for diapers alone - an average of $1200 per child each year. Single moms struggle the most - without diapers, their children can't go to day care, and they can't go to work.
Stretching time between diaper changes to make limited resources last can lead to serious health problems, such as urinary tract or staph infections. And no family should have to make a choice between buying diapers and paying for food, rent or utilities, such as heat.
We provide diapers to between 120-130 families on a monthly basis through our member agencies. A full list of member agencies is provided below.
We give out 125,000 - 150,000 diapers annually (down from 300,000 during peak pandemic years). In order to continue to meet the diaper needs of Lowell-area families, we need to raise a minimum of $40,000 a year.
We work with community partners - faith institutions, businesses, and fraternal clubs - to replenish our diaper supply several times a year through diaper drives, an important and easy way to give back.
We also benefit greatly from recurring donors on a monthly basis. Consider becoming a monthly donor today: Donate here
The National Diaper Bank toolkit provides excellent resources for planning and marketing a diaper drive at work and in the community.
To donate diapers, organize a diaper drive, or for more information, please contact Nancy Coan at ncoan@ywcaoflowell.org.
Families can receive diapers from these agencies:
ACE Center for New Americans • Community Teamwork/Head Start • Community Teamwork/WIC • Central Food Ministry • NFI Family Resource Center • Lowell Community Health Center • Coalition for a Better Acre Food Pantry • Project Kompass • Mass. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children/Lowell • New American Association of Massachusetts • Thrive Communities • Thom Anne Sullivan Services • Lowell Public Schools • Mass. Department of Children and Families/Lowell • International Institute of Lowell • YWCA of Lowell
Volunteers help restock the Diaper Bank.
Statewide Diaper Bank Resources
Left to right: Mike Koziel and colleague Jeffrey Santer dropping off more than 50 cases of donated diapers.
Thank You, Mike!
As our diaper supply dwindled last summer, Mike Koziel, an engineer at Lockheed Martin (Chelmsford) contacted us about organizing a company-wide diaper drive for the Lowell Diaper Bank. He had seen a TV story on the diaper divide and was moved to action.
Mike and his colleagues organized a very successful diaper drive at Lockheed Martin, collecting over 50 cases and packages of diapers. Their efforts helped replenish our supplies and provided free, emergency diapers to hundreds of low-income families in the Lowell area. Thank you Mike and Lockheed Martin!
Graphic courtesy of the National Diaper Bank