Affordable Housing
Clean, safe, affordable housing is a priority for every Lowell resident - but not always a reality.
The following can help residents learn more about their rights and options as tenants.
Planned Scattered Sites Sale
The Lowell Housing Authority (LHA) plans to sell and relocate residents currently living in 105 affordable housing units around the city. Residents who live in affordable housing that is being sold have the right to:
- 90 days notice about the sale, and to "consult" with the housing authority about its plans
- "Comparable housing" that is the same or better than where they live now
- Compensation for moving expenses
More than 70 residents attended a first meeting to learn more about the Lowell Housing Authority's planned sale of scattered affordable housing sites.
Residents have organized around this potential sale and formed an association that will be legally represented by Northeast Legal Aid. Lowell Alliance is currently helping organize and support these efforts.
The following documents provide more information about resident rights during this sale. You can read these on the website below, or download by clicking here: