Boston Basics/ Lowell Basics
The Boston Basics are five simple but powerful principles that encompass much of what experts believe is important for children from birth to age three. These include:
Maximize love, manage stress
Talk, sing and point
Count, group, and compare
Explore through movement and play
Read and discuss stories
The Boston Basics coalition of organization and individuals promotes these evidence-based principles to parents and caregivers throughout the city of Boston, to help make sure every child there gets a great start in life.
After inviting Boston Basics founder Ron Ferguson to introduce the model and process to Lowell agencies, Lowell Alliance formed a committee of early childhood development specialists and other services providers to explore creating a "Lowell Basics" campaign to benefit Lowell's families and children. A successful campaign similar to Boston Basics would involved a commitment from key stakeholders across the city - including health care providers, small businesses, schools and libraries - to engage families and help spread the message of the five principles. There has been interest to pursue this over the years. We will provide updates on our progress if and when something is formed.
View the short video introducing the Boston Basics here.
The Boston Basics - Five fun and simple ways parents and other caregivers can help give every child a great start in life.