Census 2020
2020 Census education and outreach: As part of Lowell’s Complete Count Committee, Lowell Alliance is working to ensure that all Lowell residents participate in the 2020 Census through outreach and engagement with Lowell’s traditionally undercounted communities.
Results from the Census help direct the flow of millions of dollars of federal funding into our community every year. This funding goes to support our education system, health services, senior housing, first responders, and city infrastructure among many other critical services. For every Lowell resident who does not respond, that means $2000 less going into our community every year. Currently, Lowell’s response rate is around 54%. If the Census was to close now (July 2020), our city would lose out on approximately $123 million annually in federal funds.
Additionally, Census data helps inform local businesses, as the results will provide important data on the community including population trends and growth projections. Business owners rely on census results to make decisions, such as where to open new stores, restaurants, factories, or offices, where to expand operations, where to recruit employees, and which products and services to offer. (source: U.S. Census 2020)
Have you visited the Census website? Check out Lowell’s data profile here.
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